We have also introduced mechanisms to link the interests of the unitholders and those of the HEIWA REAL ESTATE Group and its employees in a multi-layered way, including same-boat investment by the sponsor and the Asset Management Company and the cumulative investment system by the employees of the Asset Management Company. In 2019, the 10-year milestone for entrance in the J-REIT market, we changed the structure of asset management fees and significantly increased the percentage of performance-linked fees by introducing the distribution-linked fees. We have steadily been credited for our achievements by actively implementing a number of measures, such as increasing asset scale by acquiring new assets and improving portfolio quality with proactive portfolio replacements, enhancing profitability by improving the asset value of existing properties through capital spending, and reducing costs. Since then, setting “Steady Growth & Sustainable Profit” as our motto, we have concentrated our investments on mid-sized offices and residences in prime investment areas centering on Tokyo’s 23 wards. in 2010, and has been dramatically increasing its asset scale. The Investment Corporation established a foundation for the current portfolio through an absorption-type merger with Japan Single-residence REIT Inc. entered the J-REIT market following the change in sponsor during the global financial crisis triggered by the bankruptcy of Leman Brothers Holdings Inc.

On March 8, 2005, CRESCENDO Investment Corporation, predecessor of the Investment Corporation, listed its investment units on the J-REIT section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. (the “Investment Corporation”), a J-REIT (Japan Real Estate Investment Trust). (the “Asset Management Company”) is the asset management company of HEIWA REAL ESTATE REIT, Inc. Find out more details on how we use your information in our Cookie Policy.HEIWA REAL ESTATE Asset Management CO., LTD.

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The Funds are not authorised unit trust schemes, open ended investment companies (OEIC's) or recognised schemes within the meaning of the FSMA and therefore constitute unregulated collective investment schemes. With the exception of Schroder Global Real Estate Securities Fund, Schroder International Selection Fund Global Property Securities and Schroder Global Property Income Maximiser, and Schroder UK Real Estate Fund, all of the property funds referred to in these pages ("Funds") are collective investment schemes within the meaning of Section 235 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA"). Should you have any queries about your application or the suitability of any of the investments included on this website for your personal circumstances, you should contact your Financial Adviser. Nothing in this site should be construed as being personal financial advice. Reliance should not be placed on the views and information on this site when taking investment and/or strategic decisions. The purpose of this website is to provide general information about Schroder Real Estate. If you are a retail client, our UK Authorised Funds, Schroder Global Property Securities Fund, Schroder International Selection Fund Global Property Securities and Schroder Global Property Income Maximiser can be accessed on Schroders UK retail investor site.

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