I employ the established term 'Informant' for anyone who answered my questions or gave me information. 'Folk' language here refers to the usages of the Jamaican commonalty of country and city: cultivators, labourers, small artisans, domestic servants, and so on, with little formal education beyond the 'three R's' 'folk speech' is that which they use among themselves. 'Standard' here means what it does in England: the language of the educated, accepted for public use and superseding local or regional differences. To avoid possible misconceptions I use a few linguistic terms in preference to the popular ones. This book seeks to give an account of the language, both past and present, of Jamaicans of all ranks. These are condensed to save space, yet may be read (see the directions) with reasonable ease.

The reader who likes to read without interruption may ignore the reference numbers in the text anyone who wants more detail will find among the notes at the back dates, sources, etymologies, names of fauna and flora, and so on. Though written especially for the layman, it should hold some interest for the linguist too. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THIS BOOK is for anyone interested in Jamaica or in language.
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CONCLUSIONS BOOKS, PERIODICALS, AND MANUSCRIPTS CITED INFORMANTS HOW TO USE THE NOTES NOTES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II WORD LISTħ4 107 128 155 188 213 232 256 281 297 314 334 391 407 418 421 422 433 434 437 JAMAICANISMS SOURCES OF JAMAICA TALK JAMAICAN PRONUNCIATION JAMAICAN GRAMMAR HISTORY, PRONUNCIATION AND GRAMMAR CHAPTER To the memory of my Mother, to whom Jamaica was home, and to my Father, whose second home it became.ĬONTENTS PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION AND FAOT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION ix I. PM7874.J 427.972 92 Cover design by Robert Harris. English language - Provincialisms -Jamaica. Previously published: Kingston, Jamaica: Macmillan/Sangsters Bookstores, 1982. Published 2007 11 10 09 08 07Ĭassidy, Frederic G., 1907-2000 Jamaica talk: three hundred years of the English language in Jamaica / Frederic G. University of the West Indies Press 7A Gibraltar Hall Road Kingston 7 University of the West Indies Press J amaica