You can do so by consuming food (like Food Rations or Untouched Meals) or picking up Vital Essences.
#Forsaken wastes grim dawn map full#
To make any fight easier, make sure your Constitution (the yellowish film-like thingy on your health bar) is as close to full as you can before jumping into the frey.Note the cooldown and how much time you need for the potion to restore your health pool back to full.
Just in case you happen to die, you can then hop right back into the fight without having to run through maze-like corridors again.
If you can, open a Personal Riftgate before starting any boss fight. The Smith is not exactly in the Necropolis but rather in the zone, Gates of the Necropolis. and this makes him slightly difficult to find. The thing is though, this cursed smith isn't located in or near any town. Unlike some players, I have enough of these vials of blood to spare so it's no biggie. So, guess where I went to just to get the Tainted Brain Matter needed to complete the quest "Power of Our Enemies"? There's a special smith (Horrus - Cursed Smith) located in the Gates of Necropolis region who can craft it for me in exchange for Blood of Ch'thon. I don't like farming for stuff on a single-player game - I have done that on MMOs multiple times and I have had enough. Where is Horrus the Cursed Smith? Here he is! Where is the special Smith who can craft Tainted Brain Matter? This is where you can find Craig's Crags and Kalis Ka, the Bonehunter This is the quest where you are tasked to kill the Kalis Ka, the Bonehunter and to get the Fang of Bonehunter. Quest location: East Marsh, east of Burrwitch or more specifically Craig's Crags. **Took down this beast at a much lower level (the boss name is red for me). Make sure to get that Personal Riftgate up before engaging and use potions even when you think you don't really need it yet (depends on the resistances you have though). Have high Bleeding and Pierce Resistances. Taking on the Kalis Ka, the Bonehunter while under-leveled